Thursday, May 17, 2007

Welcome to our blog

Hey y'all, thanks for checking out our blog. We are hoping to use this blog to chat about what is going on in our world out here in Pasadena, CA. We seem to have a lot of crazy and sometimes slightly amazing conversations, and we wanted to share them with you and hear what you have to say. On a personal note, I am coming down off a crazy time at the United States Barista Competition, so I will probably be writing on that soon... I think. We'll see. So anyways, thanks for listening, here's Becs.

Hello everyone! Thanks for looking at our blog. My thoughts right now revolve around how to teach piano to 4 year olds and how to in gerneral motivate my students. Josh and I are reading through the Qu'ran for our Islam class and have insteresting conversations on what ministry to muslims looks like. It has been challenging! We'll talk more about that later....

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